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The Full Story

In order to promote global online collaboration in education, EUH had been long considering the incorporation of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) before our establishment.

COIL is a program developed and promoted by State University of New York (SUNY), COIL Center. In Japan, COIL initiatives are mainly led by Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE), Kansai University with JPN-COIL association. EUH had officially joined JPN-COIL association from April 2021.

COIL, as its name implies, is a pedagogy that promotes international collaborative teaching and learning in two or more countries facilitated by online communication. The method is not limited to a specific online program or tool. COIL is incorporated in different ways from one university to another university. Some universities have formed partnerships with overseas universities, while others use their own personal networks of faculty members to create COIL programs with their partner faculty members. For the implementation methods, the program may be implemented in a COIL format for the entire regular course, or in a single synchronous class, or in an asynchronous format using online tools.


Similar to the general definition of COIL, EUH-COIL should be regarded as a pedagogy that creates collaborative learning opportunities with people from overseas academic institutions online. "Collaborative" means that people outside the university are deeply involved in the planning and implementing of the activities.


In parallel to the 3rd feature of EUH, "Glocal", EUH-COIL shall also take account of online learning in local context with "international" components (partnerings from university/organization/groups located in Japan).

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