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COIL event between FMIPA of UNNES & EUH

This cultural exchange discussion goes well with total participants of 26 persons.

9 students from EUH and 14 students from FMIPA of UNNES formed 5 groups of breakout rooms and discussion about the cultural background and environmental issues in Japan, Indonesia, and some home countries of our international students.

A mixture of students from both universities is assigned to the breakout room. Using a website called "sketch together", students sketched & drew symbolic and iconic items/foods with each other. Students later returned to the main room and shared their discussion contents with everyone.

Talking about food, one could never go wrong with national soul food like Rendang (curry stew beef) in Indonesia and Okonomiyaki as the local gourmets in Hiroshima.

Here are some of the sketches from a few groups.

The session ended with fun and exchanging social media contacts of both university students. Hopefully, we can contact each other even after the end of the event.

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