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EUH's English Lounge x HU's Eigomura

While one of the main objectives of English Lounge volunteer students is to vitalize and increase the English Lounge utilization among our university members, our very first batch of students does not have any referrals to consult.

In order to support Eikei University of Hiroshima's English Lounge volunteer students' activities, we organized an online exchange activity with former members of Hiroshima University's Eigomura on 27/June using Zoom.

This collaboration involved EUH's International Affairs Center lecturer, Chui Ying, with ex-staff of HU's Eigomura, Arnold, Anthony, Jonathan, Kai, and Eigomura's regular member Pedro (from Indonesia, Malawi, China, and Brazil, respectively).

The event had called for participants among the English Lounge volunteer students. As a result, we participated with four of our core members and English teacher, Nick.

We started this sharing session by introducing the similarities and differences of the English Lounge with Eigomura and a brief introduction of each participant.

The session is followed by sharing activities with photos that had ever been done in Eigomura—revealing the list of activities (more than 20 activities) that Eigomura had conducted since their establishment in 2015.

We even had a trial of Eigomura's classic ice-breaking activity, two truths one lie, to engage and facilitate the session!

This session had ended fruitfully. Our students had eagerly discussed the possible issues and solutions towards attracting Japanese students to English-only activities. Whereas, Eigomura ex-staffs and regular members shared their valuable tips on engaging participants, attracting participants, and managing the activities, bringing forth the perspective of international students from different backgrounds.

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